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Microbiology & Cell Science

Microbiology & Cell Science

MCB 6458 Post Translational Modifications in Microbiology


The overall goal of this class is to enhance student learning in the field of microbiology and to network students with professionals within the scientific community. To this end, the course will take an innovative approach to student learning through interactive group projects. The students will prepare projects that will undergo a scientific review by their class peers and faculty instructors. Projects that pass the scientific review process will be made publicly available through Canvas with the ultimate goal of providing a searchable web portal of post-translational modifications in microbiology. While proteomics and other systems biology approaches have facilitated the identification of a wide variety of novel post-translational modifications, high-throughput data related to these modifications are not well synthesized and readily available to the scientific community (particularly data related to bacteria and archaea). This course will therefore serve as a resource to the scientific community.

Course Goals

By the end of the students will be able to:

  • Analyze the molecular and cellular biology of post-translational modifications (PTMs) using relevant literature
  • Evaluate and interpret primary research articles that discuss PTMs, using critical thinking skills
  • Evaluate the role of PTMs in real-life applications such as controlling pathogenesis, engineering microbial biocatalysts in the production of renewable fuels and chemicals, or agricultural applications
  • Demonstrate teamwork skills in completing a successful group project
  • Apply acquired skills in reviewing and scoring peer's projects
  • Formulate a central hypothesis related to PTMs and develop research proposal

Library Access

Distance Education and UF Online Students enjoy the same library privileges as on-campus students.

At A Glance

  • $535.00 per credit hour plus fees
Application Procedure
  1. Complete the Application Intent form
  2. Complete the Graduate Application
  3. Send your Transcripts