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Microbiology & Cell Science

Microbiology & Cell Science

SWS 6366 Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Organic Contaminants


This course will present the basic principles of chemical and biological degradation of toxic chemicals and familiarize students with the application of remedial technologies in natural environments. Topics covered will include occurrence and ecological significance of toxic organic chemicals, chemistry of contaminants, kinetics and mechanisms of degradation (chemical and biological) and current technologies of bioremediation of contaminated soils and water.

Course Outline

The following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to bioremediation
  • Introduction to microorganisms
  • Introduction to contaminants
  • Strategies of microbial degradation and bioremediation
  • Biotransformation of chemicals
  • Environmental effects on microbial degradation
  • Chemical interaction with the environment
  • Kinetics of biodegradation
  • Molecular Biology of Genetically modified microorganisms—techniques
  • Bioremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants
  • Remediation Technologies 

Library Access

Distance Education and UF Online Students enjoy the same library privileges as on-campus students.

At A Glance

  • $535.00 per credit hour plus fees
Application Procedure
  1. Complete the Application Intent form
  2. Complete the Graduate Application
  3. Send your Transcripts