MCB 6151 Prokaryotic Diversity
- Credits: 3
- Tuition: $1,605
- Semester: Summer C
- Syllabus: Find the course syllabus for your desired semester here.
This course is an introduction to the diversity of Bacteria and Archaea. Discussions will provide a conceptual and historical framework for understanding their:
- origin and evolution
- morphological, metabolic, and molecular characteristics
- genetic and physiological diversity
- importance in human/animal/plant health and
- roles in elemental cycling
Course Details:
The specific objectives of this course are to expose students to the following topics:
- Origin, evolution, and genetic diversity of microbial life
- Physiological diversity of metabolic and bioenergetic pathways
- Microbial species and speciation
- Phylogenetic and functional analysis of (meta)genomic data
- Characterization of uncultivated microbial lineages (microbial “dark matter”) and
- Linkage between microbial diversity, function, and ecology
Library Access
Distance Education and UF Online Students enjoy the same library privileges as on-campus students.
At A Glance
- Admission Requirements
- Application Deadlines and Critical Dates
- Entirely online
- Classes offered spring, summer and fall
- No GRE requirement!
- $535.00 per credit hour plus fees
Application Procedure
- Complete the Application Intent form
- Complete the Graduate Application
- Send your Transcripts