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Microbiology & Cell Science

Microbiology & Cell Science

MCB 5252 Microbiology, Immunology, and Basis for Immuno-therapeutics


This course will provide an understanding of microbial structure and function with regards to their role in pathogenesis and infection. Principles of pathogenesis and infection will be discussed in depth. The course will examine the mechanism of microbial diseases, modes of entry, circumventing host defense system, and transmission. The role of immune system in defending the host against infection, and what happens when it breaks down will be examined. General therapeutic principles and mechanisms of bacterial resistance to anti-microbial drugs will be covered. The discussion regarding anti-microbial agents will include class and mode of action of anti-microbial agents. The relationship between structure and function and its role in rise of antibiotic-resistant strains will be discussed. A discussion regarding the use of Immunotherapeutic drugs for treating human diseases is also included. At the end of the term students should have a good understanding of the infectious diseases, their causative agents, the immune response to infectious diseases, available treatments, and the preventive measures against them. Students will also have an indepth understanding of serological techniques and their role in identification of infectious diseases. 

Library Access

Distance Education and UF Online Students enjoy the same library privileges as on-campus students.

At A Glance

  • $535.00 per credit hour plus fees
Application Procedure
  1. Complete the Application Intent form
  2. Complete the Graduate Application
  3. Send your Transcripts